When you purchase a home, you are responsible for not only repaying this large debt, but you must also repay this debt on time every month. However, there is another expense associated with home ownership that you cannot ignore and that is insurance. There are a range of ways that you can save money on your homeowners insurance if you live in Ohio.
The majority of lenders require homeowners to have insurance before they can close on the house. Although it is a requirement, it does not mean that they should have to overpay for the insurance.
You can save money if you follow some of these tips
Shop Online And Offline
Even though most people have become accustomed to shopping for everything from houses to shoes, it is important to shop for insurance offline as well. Contact homeowners insurance agents on the phone, but do not go with the lowest quote you are offered. It is important to compare the quality of the provider as well.
So, why should you call? When you call, you will be able to ask a lot of questions. Inquire about the type of coverage they think you will need, the things that you do need and the things you do not need. Get educated because making a decision.
Increase Your Deductible
Before the insurance company can pay you for any claim, you will have to pay a predetermined amount to cover some of the loss. This is known as the deductible. This means that the more you pay (deductible), the less the insurance company pays. However, this also means the less you will pay on your annual premiums.
So, what does this mean? The average homeowners insurance policy deductible is $500. If you increase your deductible to $1000, you can save up to 25% more on your annual premium. However, the deductible should only be increased if you believe the chances of having to file a claim is very low.
Buy All Policies From The Same Insurance Company
You can save money on your policy if you bundle it with other insurance policies like auto and life insurance. You may be able to save as much as 20 percent on your annual premium by combining all of your insurance policies.
These are some tips you can use to save money on your homeowners insurance policy in Ohio. Comparison shop for the best prices. Let’s find more information at www.mymeridianinsurance.com/homeowners-insurance-ohio